The phrase “subject to the EAR” is so ubiquitous to exporters that its meaning sometimes gets lost – especially in organizations where export compliance is a part-time role.

以下是“受EAR约束”的概述, and why the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) apply to the vast majority of exports from the U.S. 美国以外的许多交易也是如此.S.


Most things that get exported are subject to some level of export control regulation, 而且大多数都受到EAR的约束, which is administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) within the Department of Commerce. But the EAR is just one of a few sets of rules that govern exports and related activities.

Some of the other agencies that maintain export controls are:

These agencies get first say on whether an item comes under their exclusive jurisdiction. If none of them claim authority over an item, then by default the item is subject to the EAR.

美国政府控制权力的饼状图.S. Exports看起来像这样:

It illustrates why it’s tempting to assume any export is subject to the EAR – even though that’s not necessarily the case. Some items aren’t controlled at all; a list of items which convey information, 包括书籍, 期刊, 水文地理的图表, 地图集, 地球仪, 其他类似的事情都被明确排除在外. But most items are subject to the EAR – though the controls vary greatly from extremely restrictive to minimal.

Another common misconception is that items subject to the EAR don’t require an export license. 这是对的 在美国出口的所有商品中,大约有95%是中国制造的.S., BIS still processes about 40,000 license applications each year.

So, the main challenge of the EAR is identifying the needle in a haystack when there IS a license requirement. Some companies exporting highly controlled items deal with the question all the time, 他们在必要的研究中培养了核心竞争力. 对其他人来说,搜索是一个偶尔的挑战.

对你.S. 基于企业

为总部设在美国的企业服务, 决定某项物品是否受《LOL外围下注》规管, 如果是的话,它的分类, 本质上是一个淘汰的过程吗.

步骤1: It begins with looking at the ITAR and other possible regulators. If the item can’t be found within the jurisdictional scope of their export controls, 并且不是从EAR中雕刻出来的, then it’s probably safe to assume the item is subject to the EAR.

步骤2: 使用 商业管制清单(CCL) to figure out the item’s Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). If the product doesn’t have an ECCN, it’s still subject to the EAR and gets classified EAR99.

步骤3: Apply the appropriate EAR controls based largely on the classification of the item and the destination. End use, end user, and other factors may also be relevant in determining license requirements.


There are three ways companies outside the United States may also be subject to U.S. 再出口的规定.

  1. U.S.原产商品:指外国实体购买美国商品.S. 原产地,然后将其运送或传播到第三国.
  2. 微量允许 rule: When an item made outside the United States incorporates a proportion of certain types of content of U.S. 起源.
  3. 外国直接产品(FDP)规则: When certain items are made outside the United States using specified software, 来自美国的技术或设备, 并被指定为特定的国家或政党.

A complex piece of equipment could be subject to any or all of these conditions; as an example, 以空中客车公司制造的商用客机为例, containing numerous systems and components from the United States.

所以,对于非美国.S. 企业, the analysis whether something is subject to the EAR is important – and it can get complicated.



The de miminis 规则规定了你如何.S. export controls apply to foreign-made items based on the amount of controlled U.S.-它们包含的原始内容. BIS定义U.S.-起源 controlled content as anything which requires a license when exported to the country where the foreign-made item will end up being used. 最基本的形式是:

  • Foreign-made items that incorporate more than 25 percent controlled content are subject to the EAR when reexported anywhere in the world.
  • Foreign-made items incorporating more than 10 percent but no more than 25 percent controlled content are only considered subject to the EAR when sent to a country in Country Groups E:1 or E:2 (currently Cuba, Iran, 朝鲜, 和叙利亚).
  • Foreign-made items containing any controlled content classified in military (600 series) or space (9×515) ECCNs are subject to the EAR if intended for locations under arms embargo, 国际清算银行指定为国家组D:5.

计算美国的百分比.S.来源受控内容是一个微妙的过程,概述在  EAR 734.4 and 补充不. 2至第734部分.


一个有几十年历史的EAR概念, expanded in recent years to target both Chinese telecom giant Huawei and 俄罗斯, this rule makes foreign-made items subject to the EAR if they’re produced using certain U.S.-起源 technology, software, or equipment – even if they don’t actually contain U.S.起源的内容.

曾经非常模糊,现在只是稍微不那么模糊了, the rule has six flavors – each with the potential to render foreign-起源 items subject to the EAR, 以及潜在的许可证要求.

  1. 国家安全自由民主党规则
  2. 9X515 FDP规则
  3. 600系列FDP规则
  4. 实体列表FDP规则
  5. 俄罗斯/白俄罗斯自由民主党统治
  6. 俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-军事终端用户自由民主党规则


对许多实体来说,尤其是美国.S. 公司及其海外分支机构, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control places a layer of regulation on top of the EAR for exports, 交易, 以及其他涉及国家的活动, 受制裁的单位和个人. So, 在决定某项物品是否受《LOL外围下注》规管后, understanding OFAC sanctions programs is critical to understanding additional restrictions on an item based on its destination.

Export rules are changing all the time – and often take effect the same day they’re published. 因此,监控变化并保持更新非常重要.

跟踪更改的官方来源是 联邦公报,可搜索且易于使用. Users can subscribe to receive email alerts based on specific areas of interest, 例如“EAR”和“BIS”.

作为次要来源,BIS还提供 电子邮件订阅 for regulatory updates – though many of these are duplicated from the 联邦公报 anyway.


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斯科特Gearity 是ECTI公司的总裁.